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A love letter to nature


A love letter to nature

Dear Nature,


We didn’t always love you the way we do now. In fact, until now, we didn’t even realize how intrinsically we were connected to you. We didn’t know that our every action affects you. But then we were awakened, and we fell so deeply in love with you that others called us crazy. And our love for you transformed every aspect of ourselves—how we operate, how we make decisions—even our purpose. After all, how can a business be successful if it is harming you, the source of our life support system?

Nature, do you remember the first time we came seeking your inspiration? We put aside our brash belief that we could solve every problem by ourselves, and we asked for your guidance. Admiring the beautiful and chaotic floors of your forests and meadows, we let go of our strive for perfection, our desire to control our creativity and we embraced the untapped power of diversity. The world loves your innovative solutions too.

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Now here we are, decades into our love affair, and we are still learning from you—how your patterns can heal us, how your models can guide us. And we believe that reconnecting with our love for you will not only lead us to more circular systems, but also help us become healthier and more productive too. How amazing to learn that spending time with you, or in spaces designed to be evocative of you, may result in reduced stress levels, faster healing rates, and improved cognitive functioning!

We are finally learning from your generosity and asking ourselves what it would mean for us to be generous too. How could we contribute to spaces that facilitate wellbeing? How could our factories replenish your ecosystems? We are striving to be more like you and know we need your guidance now more than ever.

With love, Natura


content attributions:

Interface Blog  |  April 17, 2017

Photo by: Paul Gilmore | Unsplashed